Dave Johnston
Dave is the frontman, writes most of the lyrics and does the band management and promotion etc. Dave is the founding member of Big Room and has been there since its inception in Perth in late 1993.
Mick Durant
Mick’s a natural talent on guitar, and with a creative drive is great to have around. Mick makes licks that takes the music places where it ‘aint been before. He also hates anything that sounds too much like…
Alex Madigan
A multi-talented musician who happens to play drums for Big Room. He could equally play guitar, bass or do the singing. He’s a founding Adelaide Big Room member and is a solid backbone for the band, and is very street wise around gigs and sound.
Andrew Stenhouse
An experienced pianist and keyboard player with a solid background in music. Andrew has also been a total dark horse with the prolific creation of new tunes with which Dave J can easily add vocals to, and has written the music to five tracks of the new album.
Michael Stenhouse
Michael is another multi-talented musician who can play many instruments but chooses to play bass in Big Room. He has taken to writing songs with a vengeance and has been helping with album production. ..and yes he is the brother of Andrew…